Brand Voice


Tone of voice is less about what you say, and more about how you say it. The right tone will help you convey our brand message in an effective way that aligns with our brand personality.


We’re informative.

Our customers are doing important work, and taking an informative/educational tone helps provide guidance and clarity and demonstrates our ability to be smart, reliable, and authentic. It’s okay to have a sense of humor, but providing information in a clear, helpful, detailed manner is super important to gaining trust and respect from our customers.

Say this: “Help your managers to motivate their team through frequent, real-time recognition."

Not this: “Increase favorability of the item, 'If I contribute to the organization’s success, I know I will be recognized,' by instructing managers to recognize direct reports.”


We’re trustworthy and conversational.

It’s no secret that we like to have fun at Quantum Workplace, and celebrating our #beyou is encouraged! But beyond a conversational tone, we are a reliable solution for our customers. Anyone who interacts with QW should feel like they can depend on us now and in the future.

Say this: “Dear HR Pro”
Not this: “To Whom It May Concern”

We’re authoritative and caring.

We care about customer success. When we communicate with our customers they should feel important, supported, and respected. We are clear, direct, but compassionate and understanding.

Say this: “Having great 1:1 conversations is important—but it isn’t easy.”
Not this: “Your employees won’t succeed if your managers don’t have good 1:1 meetings.”

We’re passionate and warm.

Making work better every day is an exciting feat—but that doesn’t mean 3 exclamation points are fair game. Our communication style gets straight to the point by demonstrating our passion for what we do and showing that we care for the people within the organization.

Say this: “You don’t have to start from scratch.”
Not this: “You have a lot of work to do.”

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