Brand Core


Brand archetypes are a fun way of presenting our brand as a character or persona. Our archetype helps our audience understand and relate to us on a deeper level.


Today: Everyperson

Today, the Quantum Workplace brand is best represented by The Everyperson—whose core mission in life is belonging. We’re practical, humble, honest, and take calculated risks.

Tomorrow: Everyperson + Creator/Sage

In the future, we want to expand our archetype to include The Creator and The Sage. The Everyperson + Creator/Sage is innovative, creative, an expert in the field, and provides intelligent solutions to complex problems.

Why the shift? We love our Midwest roots and we never want to shake them. But just like any good character, our brand has evolved. The Creator/Sage includes many of the traits we have already taken on—and also those we aspire to.
