Brand Core


Brand attributes are the functional and emotional characteristics of our brand. They are the basic elements of who we are. Learn what these attributes mean, why they matter, and how we live them every day.



Dependable. Accessible. Trusted.

Why it matters
Many of our customers are overwhelmed and under-confident. They need a trusted partner to boost their confidence at every step of the journey. They need assurance that they, their initiatives, and their organizations will realize success.

What it means
Every team at Quantum Workplace cares about the success of our customers. From our seasoned expertise and smart technology, to the support we provide and the results we help deliver on, our customers can rely on us.

How we live it
We’re an expert extension of our customers' teams. We provide reliable tech and customer-driven solutions that fit and anticipate their biggest talent needs. In a world of constant change and uncertainty, we provide consistency, clarity, and validity. When a customer encounters a hiccup, we respond quickly with friendly and thoughtful support.

Brand Tip:
Reliability is the foundation of our power position. Our goal is to provide reliable tech, results, expertise, and support so that customers view us as a partner who cares about and delivers on their success—not just another software vendor.




Experienced. Intelligent. Wise.

Why it matters
Our customers want confidence that the talent solutions they implement are intelligent, intuitive, and backed by research. They’re not looking to reinvent the wheel—but want to lean on experts to help pave the smartest path to growth and success.

What it means
We’re a team of problem solvers, dot connectors, researchers, and data geeks. Our workplace expertise and intuitive technology combine to create the smartest talent solutions that flex to meet each customer’s needs.

How we live it
Smart is ingrained in our DNA. Our repository of employee data gives us the opportunity to study the workplace in ways our competitors can’t. We’re constantly learning and evolving, baking our expertise into everything we do, say, and build. To remain competitive in the marketplace, we’re dedicating our work to building the smartest tech through quality of product intelligence.




Friendly. Real. Honest.

Why it matters
We believe that in order to create a better world, we need better workplaces—and that workplaces need to be honest with themselves in order to grow and succeed.

What it means
We’re not perfect. We’re the friend who will tell you when you have spinach in your teeth—and sometimes we're the friend with spinach in our teeth. We encounter the same challenges as our customers and use those experiences to relate and serve up meaningful and realistic solutions. 

How we live it
We respect the uniqueness and individuality in ourselves and in our customers. We prioritize relationships and make customers feel at ease by listening, understanding, and providing gentle and individualized guidance. We don’t sugarcoat and we don’t overpromise.




Evolving. Thoughtful. Nimble.

Why it matters
Many of our customers struggle to leverage their talent for growth because their strategies are rooted in outdated or cumbersome systems, theories, and approaches. Today, the workplace is constantly changing. Our customers need innovative solutions to help them stay relevant.

What it means
We geek out on helping workplaces improve. We don’t innovate for the sake of innovating—but develop solutions by listening deeply to our customers, considering the big picture, and focusing on long-term impact.

How we live it
We help customers solve the most puzzling problems with creativity, context, and innovation. We don’t get distracted by the latest and greatest talent trends and we know there’s no silver bullet. We study and understand the intricacies of work and people, and we’re passionate about creating the right solutions for the right people at the right time.




Clarifiers. Simplifiers. Sense-makers.

Why it matters
Engagement, performance, and employee success all carry a complexity that overwhelms our customers. To help customers move forward with confidence, we need to help simplify.

What it means
We aim to simplify the complex. To bring order to chaos. To shine a light on what’s important and to get customers started on their path to success one step at a time.

How we live it
We are storytellers. We speak to HR and executive leaders in their language. We provide tools and advice that help organizations uncover, understand, and take the next step. We break things down and generously share examples, tips, templates, and tutorials.




Affirming. Guiding. Possibility makers.

Why it matters
Our customers need authority to be vulnerable. They need affirmation that they are on the right path, and that they have the means to make the impossible, possible.

What it means
We see the power in every workplace, and we’re here to help them unleash and activate on a clear and valid path to success. We’re our customers’ biggest cheerleaders and our solutions empower leaders, managers, and teams to grow and achieve greatness.

How we live it
We inject energy and insight into our customers so they can spend time doing more. We’re constantly striving to help them feel confident in their approach. We do more than build software—we’re on a mission to influence the future of work for the better.

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