Brand Expression


Quantum Workplace uses specific typefaces across our brand materials. Using these friendly fonts helps reinforce a consistent look and feel no matter where we're communicating.


Primary Typeface

Proxima Nova is the primary typeface used in our communications materials. It balances friendliness with professionalism and is available in many weights. Proxima Nova Condensed is an additional option for materials that have a lot of text.

Purchase Proxima Nova license on FontSpring.

Proxima Nova is also available as a free Adobe Font in Adobe Programs.



Microsoft/System Alternatives

For Microsoft® software, email, and other applications, we use Arial. This is a system font widely available on all platforms.



Secondary Typeface

DIN is our secondary typeface. It is used in communications materials to add a more bold look to the design. DIN is free to download and is available here.



Type Combinations

Our type system is built with flexibility in mind. Proxima Nova and DIN can be used in any of our brand colors, with varied sizing and spacing, and paired with each other in many combinations. Below are some examples of these pairings.




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