Brand Expression


Our colors communicate our personality. We’re informative, warm, conversational, and fresh. 


Primary Colors

Our primary colors are QW Orange and QW Dark Blue. You can find them in our logo. QW Orange must always be used in your color combination. Read more about color combinations in the combinations section.


QW Orange

Pantone 166 C
RGB 227 83 15
CMYK 0 76 100 0
Hex #E3530F


QW Dark Blue

Pantone 654 C
RGB 0 59 117
CMYK 100 73 0 33
Hex #003B75

Supporting Colors

These colors make up our core color palette. 


Medium Blue

Pantone 3005 C
RGB 0 119 205
CMYK 100 35 0 2
Hex #0077CD


Light Blue

Pantone  2915 C
RGB 98 182 243
CMYK 58 8 0 0
Hex #62B6F3


Accent Orange

Pantone 2018 C 
RGB 228 123 18
CMYK 0 58 100 0
Hex #FF7500





Utilize our grays to make type and graphics more friendly.


Dark Gray

Pantone 426 C
RGB 36 39 44
CMYK 81 67 55 83
Hex #24272C


Medium Gray

Pantone 425 C
RGB 85 89 96
CMYK 63 51 45 33
Hex #555960


Light Gray

Pantone 423 C
RGB 137 14 150
CMYK 44 33 29 9
Hex #898D96


Very Light Gray

Pantone 420 C
RGB 199 201 212
CMYK 18 13 10 0
Hex #C7C9D4



Color Combinations

Color can help you quickly communicate mood and tone. Using different combinations of our brand colors is a great way to add personality to your project.

Because our primary brand color is QW Orange, QW Orange must always be used in your color palette. However, using the full color QW logo is an acceptable substitution for smaller graphics (see "cool" palette example below)



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