Brand Expression


Photography is visual storytelling. Use of photos on the web, in print, and throughout our product should demonstrate a friendly, inviting personality—while reinforcing mid-market, modern workplaces.



Stock Photography

Use modern stock photography of workers and workplaces that have a slice-of-life feel. Avoid stock photography that looks staged or unrealistic. Be creative in your selection.

A downloadable library is coming soon in the asset hub.

photography-Bright-natural photography-movement-emotion photography-modern-workplaces
Use images with bright
and natural lighting.
Use images that show
movement and emotion
Show workplaces that
are modern and diverse
photography-outdated photography-avoid-dramatic-lighting photography-avoid-posed
Use outdated
technology or fashion

Use images dramatic
lighting or dark shadows

Use images that look
posed or staged

Pro Tip: Stock and Google-searched photography require licenses to use. For photography that isn’t ours, and to avoid copyright infringement, follow these tips.

  • Use for royalty-free images that don’t need photo credits.
  • If you see a photo on our website that you would like to use, contact the Brand Team.
  • Just because a company is our customer, that doesn’t mean we have rights to any images used on their materials or website. If you are working with a customer and want to use their imagery, ask them first.
  • If you are using a GIF in a presentation always credit the source.

Employee Photos

At Quantum Workplace we celebrate #BeYou by embracing authenticity and individualism. Prospects should see a culture they want for their own offices, and prospective candidates should see a culture they want to work in. Employee photography captures our unique personalities and approachable nature.

Visit the brand SharePoint folder for headshots and other QW photos. 

employee-photos1 employee-photos2 employee-photos5


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