Brand Voice


Our brand personality is the set of human characteristics that help bring our brand to life. When thinking about how to do or say something on behalf of our brand, lean into these personality traits.



vs. Friend

While we want to be friendly and relatable in all types of conversations and channels, we also want to be an expert in the space. Consider our brand the Baby Yoda to your Obi Wan—adorable, green, and wise beyond his years.


Fresh vs. Mature

Even though Quantum Workplace is a 20-year-old company, we haven't lost our freshness, flexibility, and agility. We want to come off as vibrant, energetic, and alive—not stale, stuck, and outdated. Our brand should reflect the energy and vigor that shines within the QW workforce.


Human vs. Technical

Even though our brand lives in the tech space, that doesn’t mean we have to act like robots. Yes, we make a software product—but we also really care about the success of the people using our tools. The things we do, say, and participate in should reflect that humanness. When we communicate with our audience they shouldn’t feel confused by technical jargon.


Elite vs. Mass Appeal

We no longer want to appeal to the masses. What we do and what we believe is not for everyone. We want to attract workplaces who get it—who share our belief that work can and should be better every day—and that people are the biggest lever for success.

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