What is our brand? 

Our brand is more than a logo, message, product, or service. It’s what people think and feel when they interact with Quantum Workplace. It’s an approximate yet distinct understanding of who we are.   

Why is our brand important?

In a market that has exploded with solutions that look a lot like ours, brand is our opportunity to carve out our own space, our own “it” factor. Our brand should:

  • Create understanding (internally and externally) around who we are, what we do, and why

  • Help prospects and customers see beyond imperfect solutions

  • Serve as a shortcut for helping buyers evaluate fit

  • Build trust through clarity, consistency, and authenticity  


full-brand-wheel2The Quantum Workplace
Brand Wheel

Our brand is made up of four key elements. These elements build on each other, ultimately creating a unique and compelling brand.


Brand Core

The core of our brand is made up of the what, why, and how of Quantum Workplace. It’s the foundation of everything we do.

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Brand Position

Our brand position sets us apart from other brands. It’s rooted in the solutions we offer and the people we serve.

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Brand Voice

Our brand voice helps shape how we communicate with the world. It develops from a personality and tone that is uniquely QW.

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Brand Expression

Our brand expression is how our brand actually comes to life—through both voice and design. 

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Got feedback?

This site will evolve and grow along with our brand. If you have ideas, feedback, or just want to chat about brand, we'd love to hear from you.

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